Triangle Industrial Design Center Identified as a National Design Center

Recently, to meet the requirements of “Administrative Measures of National Industrial Design Center Identification (Trial)” (Ministry of Industry & Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, [2012] No. 422) and of “Notice of Ministry of Industry & Information Technology to Identify National Industrial Design Center in 2015” (the Office of Industry & Information Technology of Shandong Province, [2015] No. 150), Ministry of Industry & Information Technology published a list of 34 national industrial design centers to be identified in 2015, a list of 30 national industrial design centers identified in 2013 to pass the double check, and a list of 2 national industrial design centers to be cancelled, on its official website from December. 12th to 18th. Triangle Group is on the list of 34 national industrial centers to be identified in 2015. No company but Triangle Group in China’s rubber industry has so far received the honor.

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